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This blog tries to make people understand, in short and easy terms, what is the Feminism and why it is important nowadays. If you have any doubt, any question or any request about anything related to this, just write a comment and I will answer as soon as possible!

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lunes, 29 de febrero de 2016

Differences between Femi-nazi, "Hembrismo" and Misandry

The term "Femi-nazi" is a pejorative term used to identify feminist women in general. It also refers to the "exaggeration" as a mechanism to neutralize men. It was first used by a conservative northamerican named Rush Limbaugh during the 90's . He invented the term to disgrace the women fight for having control upon their fertility and pregnancy, that is, the legalization of the abortion. This way, Rush Limbaugh compared the Nazi Holocaust with the abortion.

The concept of "Hembrismo" is a fallacy as well as it is the term "femi-nazi". Why? Because these concept is based on a socio-economic system grounded on a matriarchy, that is to say, the moral superiority of women, which does not exist in the real world.

And, what is misandry? Misandry is the hate or aversion to men; and this is actually a real thing, not common, but real. Whereas misogyny goes always hand by hand with sexism, misandry is NOT comparable to feminism; they have nothing in common.

The terms Femi-nazi and Hembrismo are used by sexists to disgrace and discredit the feminist fight and as an excuse for sexist people to don't make a self-analysis of their sexist conducts. This two concepts only serve to prevail the differences between bith sexes and the machismo.

Why "Feminism" and not "Egalitarianism"?

I am going to send you to another blog (in Spanish) because it is really well explained why the Feminism is called like that and not Egalitarianism, because it is a really common question which has to be explained. It also explained a little more extended the origins of the term that we talked a bit about in the previous post. Hope you like it, guys.

Origins of Feminism in Spain: what is it?

The term was first introduced during the XIX century. It is a way of living and thinking. The Feminism fights for the rights and opportunities of women and tries to make them be equal to men's rights.That's the goal, but being a feminist has to come alongside with the awareness of women about the suffered oppresion and abuse because of a patriarchal society and some men; and also the awareness of men that they have some priveleges women don't and that they live in a patriarchal society, so they have to support our fight, but never, EVER, lead it.
In Spain, despite there were different demands in the social field related to the inequalities between men and women (Concepción Arenal and Emilia Pardo Bazán wrote about this issue), this movement started with the will of women to vote and to decide it they want to establish the Second Republic (1931); so they fought to reach that right even if it was really difficult to achieve it. Women were very influenced by the Church and some people were afraid because if they could vote, they will probably do it against the Second Republic. But, one woman, Clara Campoamor, stood up for this right and talked in the Parliament about that need, because, althought she wanted the Second Republic to be established, she thought that women should decide from then on in the political future of the country. That led her to a disscusion in the Parliament with Victoria Kent.
Victoria Kent also believed that women should have the right to vote, but, as she wanted the Republic she was afraid that women could vote against it because of the huge influence the conservative forces had upon them.
Finally, the right to vote was achieved, the Second Republic emerged (1931 - 1936), and other rights like divorce or civil marriage were given too. 

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